Finding Basketball Players With VR
The multitude of uses for VR is growing every day. A new study is looking at the potential VR could have for basketball coaches in finding talented players. Take a look at the story below: Staffordshire University’s Dr Pooya Soltani co-led the research with Dr Antoine Morice from Aix-Marseille University and shares how VR technology could be used to find the next Steph Curry or Lebron James in this recent article published on The Conversation. The experiment invited both experienced and novice basketball players to shoot ‘virtual’ hoops in a realistic basketball simulator where their performance was evaluated using three scales; how the ball interacted with the hoop, how players interacted with the ball, and how players adjusted their movements. Experienced participants played basketball at competitive levels ranging from departmental to professional national while novice participants reported recreational or no experience of playing basketball. Dr Soltani, a Senior Lectu